Growth Real Return Fund
A well-diversified investment fund that targets strong real (after inflation) returns.
The Clearwater Growth Real Return Fund is one of two ‘real return’ focused investment portfolios we manage.
The Growth Real Return Fund is designed as a long-term investment which will deliver strong real (after inflation) returns by actively altering the Fund’s asset allocation given the Investment Team’s market outlook. It can be used as the core of your portfolio or as a total investment solution, depending on how you feel about risk.
Successful investing isn’t easy and consistently making strong real returns is challenging. Investments often perform well when the markets are rising; however, it’s when things get tough that the real value of an investment is clear to see.
Share markets usually suffer a fall of around 10% during one period each year and a loss of about 20% once every three years. On top of that, there’s the periodic major crash – such as 1987, the tech wreck, the GFC and the Covid crash.
While you can try to ride the rollercoaster through all the peaks and troughs, and that suits some investors, other investors tell us they prefer a smoother experience.
The Growth Real Return Fund is designed to stay in the market in the long-term, whilst seeking to actively capitalise on volatility through changing the Fund’s asset allocation through time to smooth the journey of returns for investors.

Why Invest in THE Clearwater GROWTH REAL RETURN FUND?
Targeting higher returns
Easily invest in the fund yourself
Widely diversified to reduce risk
Fast response to market volatility
Direct access to the people that manage the fund
A commitment to reducing costs
Are you ready to invest?
If You Decide To Invest In The Financial Markets, You're Always Taking A Risk With Your Money.
Before investing in the Clearwater Dynamic Fund, we recommend you carefully read through the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
To find out more, please click on the links below.
Clearwater Growth Real Return Fund Monthly Report June 2024
Clearwater Growth Real Return Fund Online Application
Clearwater Growth Real Return Fund PDS & Paper Application Form
Clearwater Growth Real Return Fund Reference Guide
If you have any questions or need help completing the forms, please get in touch.